״חדשות מס' 2״, מוזיאון תל אביב
״חדשות מס' 2״, מוזיאון תל אביב
״חלבן איוני״ (הופעה עם לורי פריצ'י), לימבו לאונג', ניו יורק;
Bon Ton / יום גגאצי (הופעה עם אריק דארטון), דנסטריה,
ניו יורק; ״אטומיק פארקינג לוט מיוזיק״, פשן מודה,
ניו יורק (מופע)
״אין זו אמנות הפיסול״, The Kitchen, ניו יורק (מופע); Bon Ton / יום גגאצי, פלקסוס, ניו יורק (מופע)
“Work No. 4,” The Farm, San Francisco (installation); “The Word is Vroom, Pangaya,” San Francisco (sound/16 mm. film)
Bon Ton / Yom Gagatzi “Confessione-Pollo,” Limbo Lounge, New York (performance); “The Terminal Show,” Bon Ton / Yom Gagatzi, Bunny Liberdad, New York (performance); Yom Gagatzi (performance with Laurie Perricci), Baca/DDC Gallery, Brooklyn, New York; “Live Radio at Fashion Moda” (artists radio project, with Isaac Jackson), Fashion Moda, New York (performance)
Love Dub, Kasba Records Ltd. Stuff, Compilation (“Love Song”), Kasba Records Ltd.
Skin O. Daayba (with Ohad Fishof), The Third Ear Records; Earsay, Winston Rock Collection, Nana Disc (“Love Song”)
The Electronic Fact (with Ishai Adar), (ORY), Kasba Records Ltd.
Ishai Adar, Her – Oosh, MCI Records (three-channel voices)
Soundtrack for the television series “Saturdays and Holidays,” NMC (“Love Song”) Ehud Banai, Answer Me, NMC (guest musician, theremin, two-channels)
C. sides compilation (with Binya Reches) (“In the Garden”)
Nomad Compilation (with Binya Reches) (“In the Garden”)
O 1 Compilation, Studio Art Magazine (with Ohad Fishof and Or Moran)
The Kitchen Prize for the Encouragement of Creation, New York
Israeli Ministry of Education and Culture Prize for the Completion of an Artwork
Janet and George Jaffin Prize, America-Israel Cultural Foundation
Prize for the Encouragement of Creation, Israeli Ministry of Education and Culture
Israeli minister of Education and Culture Prize
Isracard and Tel Aviv Museum of Art Prize for an Israeli Artist
The Dan Sandel and Sandel Family Foundation Sculpture Award